Le Hable d'Ault

The port of Ault or "Hâble d'Ault" was in the Middle Ages an important mooring area for ships which could enter this area using a channel which communicated with the sea.
Nowadays, the Hâble d'Ault marsh is mainly known for the richness of its wild fauna and flora: in fact, more than 270 species of migratory birds have been recorded since the end of the 19th century ... site consists of grassy parts, marshes, gravelly lawns, pebble levees and some fragments of dunes. The place also shelters a reserve of hunting and wild fauna, this is why the place interests many bird watchers. A hiking circuit has been set up to explore the site: The Hâble d'Ault bird sanctuary.
Contact :
Hable d'Ault et sa Réserve Ornithologique
Entre Cayeux-sur-Mer et Ault - 80410 - Cayeux-sur-Mer
Phone : +33 (0)3 22 26 61 15
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