Aux Trois Jean

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Aux Trois Jean
© Aux Trois Jean Le Crotoy
+ 4 images
You will like his face situation at the Baie de Somme and its friendly welcome
Come and explore the Baie de Somme while staying in our 3 star hotel facing the sea at Le Crotoy (the only south-facing beach in the north of France). 14 rooms, 7 of which have panoramic views of the Baie de Somme, so you can admire the sun rising and setting from your balcony and see the changing tides throughout the seasons. All rooms have shower or bathroom, TV, telephone and WC. Private car park (10 places). Restaurant with wonderful view of the Baie de Somme, serving seafood platters and cultivated mussels.


Aux Trois Jean
Digue Jules Noiret
Tel. : +33 3 22 27 16 17
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