Ferme du Petit Bas Champs

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Ferme du Petit Bas Champs
© Pixabay - Christel Sagniez
We rear Aubrac and Montbéliarde cattle and pigs (on straw). We feed our animals with grass from our own meadows in the Bas Champs area and cereals grown on the farm. Our meat is the result of farming which lays great importance on the environment and on the quality of its produce. Farmhouse meat available in single cuts or larger packs.


Ferme du Petit Bas Champs
18 Route de Berck
80120 QUEND
Tel. : 06 74 08 50 38
E.mail : alexandreloye@hotmail.fr
Site internet : www.bienvenue-a-la-ferme.com/hautsdefrance/somme/quend/ferme/scea-du-petit-bas-champs/530216

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