Découvrons la Baie de Somme

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Découvrons la Baie de Somme
© Découvrons la Baie
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"Découvrons la Baie de Somme" to love it, love it and protect it .... such is the philosophy of your guides for the day, Arnaud and Sébastien. They were born here and go about, around and across it every day. Cross on foot, see plants, birds ... discover the secrets of this magical place.
Online booking
Discovery outings in the Baie de Somme and the Picardy coast: crossing the Baie, Le Hourdel and its seals, birds of the Baie...


Découvrons la Baie de Somme
Découvrons la Baie de Somme
Tel. : 06 83 72 02 83
E.mail : contact@traversee-baiedesomme.com
Site internet : www.traversee-baiedesomme.com

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