Centre Culturel Départemental - Abbaye de Saint-Riquier

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Centre Culturel Départemental - Abbaye de Saint-Riquier
© CD80
Dating from the 8th century, the abbey buildings now house a 'Centre Culturel de Rencontre' plus beautiful temporary exhibitions and an annual music festival.
Standing in pleasant wooded grounds, the abbey buildings date from the 8th century (Carolingian foundations) to the late 17th century. Today they house temporary exhibitions and the 'Centre Culturel de Rencontre'. In the grounds: an educational beehive, insect hotel and lovely orchard. The abbey church has elements from every period of Gothic architecture - early to flamboyant. Cultural events: 'Jazz sur l'Herbe', a Music festival and 'Musique en Lumière' take place every year, particularly in June and July.


Centre Culturel Départemental - Abbaye de Saint-Riquier
Place de l'église
Tel. : +33 3 60 03 44 70
E.mail : abbayesaintriquier@somme.fr
Site internet : www.abbaye-saint-riquier.fr/

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