Le Potage Crécy

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Le Potage Crécy
Since time immemorial, carrots have been cultivated on the land around Crécy-en-Ponthieu, famous for the battle that was fought there in 1346 and which marks the start of the Hundred Years War. Certain historians fix the creation of Crécy soup on this date, because it would have nourished the British army.
Ingredients : 
  • 1 kg of carrots,
  • 150 g turnips,
  • 300 g large onions,
  • 50 g celery,
  • 100 g rice,
  • 80 g butter,
  • 1 dl of cream or milk,
  • salt pepper,
  • 4 slices of sandwich bread,
  • 5 cl of oil and 20 g of butter to fry the croutons.

Recipe :
Peel and wash the vegetables, then mince them into small strips. In a casserole dish, melt the butter and put the vegetables in it to sweat. Moisten with 2 1/4 liters of water, salt and pepper. Leave to cook for 45 minutes from the boil.

Then add the washed rice and continue cooking for another 20 minutes.
Stir from time to time to prevent the rice from sticking to the bottom of the

Mix everything. Add the cream or milk.
If necessary, extend the soup with a little water.
Remove the crust from the sliced ​​bread and dice it. Heat the oil with the butter and toast the croutons in it.
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