Park in Long

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Park in Long
Find out how to park cars and motorhomes in Long.
Cars and buses
Parking is free at Long.
Cars can park in the car park at the Place du Château (center of the village) and in the car park at the entrance to the rue de "La Chasse à Vaches", in front of the "Le Grand Pré" campsite or along the rue de " The Cow Hunting ".
Buses can park in Grande Rue or in the car park at the entrance to "La Chasse à Vaches" street, opposite the "Le Grand Pré" campsite.
Motorhomes have a dedicated motorhome area at the end of the street in "La Chasse à Vaches", this time in front of the municipal campsite "La Peupleraie". They are also allowed in the "La Peupleraie" campsite. A service area awaits them.
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