Exposition "Rosemania - Une histoire de la rose" à l'Abbaye de Saint-Riquier
ROSEMANIA? the very title of this exhibition expresses the popularity of what we consider the Queen of Flowers. Did you know that the rose is the most represented flower in the world?
Its beauty, and the infinite variety of its chromatic and olfactory palette, give it a unique power of seduction. Its fascination extends to the far reaches of the Far East. We invite you to explore its extraordinary history, a history that goes back thousands of years, through a journey featuring over 200 works from national collections, public collections from the Somme department (Musée de Picardie d?Amiens Métropole, Musée Boucher de Perthes d?Abbeville, Historial de la Grande Guerre de Péronne) and private collections.
Like all flowers that appeared on earth over 100,000 years ago, the rose is a wild flower. Since ancient times, it has been surrounded by a symbolic and spiritual aura. The rise of rose-growing began in the 18th century, when scientific discoveries were made and hybridization perfected, and reached its apogee in the 19th and 20th centuries. Today, there are over 30,000 varieties of rose.
Since then, their seductive power has extended far beyond botany and gardens. The rose has inspired painters and sculptors, writers and poets, film-makers and choreographers, perfumers and couturiers, artisans of all kinds, and even masters of gastronomy and pastry-making... That's the whole point of the ROSEMANIA exhibition, to be discovered, without moderation, at Saint-Riquier Abbey!
? From Saturday, October 26, 2024 to Sunday, February 16, 2025
? First floor of the Cultural Center
Exposition "Rosemania - Une histoire de la rose" à l'Abbaye de Saint-Riquier
Place de l'Église
Tel. : 03 60 03 44 70
E.mail : abbayesaintriquier@somme.fr
Site internet : www.somme.fr/saison-culturelle/#expos-abbaye